

A dynamic technical company

Located in Thessaloniki, the company is active in the field of private and public works, specializing in road construction, asphalt paving, earthworks and construction materials, asphalt mixes, mortars, concrete and cement.

Staffed with experienced and specialized scientific and technical people as well as the most modern mechanical equipment, the company is able to carry out any project with consistency and speed, demonstrating exemplary professionalism.

-Innovative construction materials of excellent quality
-State-of-the-art equipment
-Highly trained human resources
-Technical excellence
-Consistency, reliability and credibility


Modern corporate facilities have all the means and infrastructure necessary to meet any modern construction challenge: The required mechanical equipment, which makes the best use of cutting-edge technologies, up to fully customised and modern production units.

Human Resources

Anosis is its people. A visionary, experienced and competent team, with scientific and technical knowledge in all fields. Engineers, foremen, machine operators and craftsmen join forces, knowledge and vision in order to deliver projects with safety, speed, consistency and efficiency that successfully meet every technical challenge.








The success of any engineering project is judged in the details. The selection of the appropriate building materials, the thorough control of all parameters and implementation of safety protocols during every stage of the construction process, even at the most remote construction site, requires vigilance, thoroughness and professionalism. This is Anosis’ modus operandi. Indeed, this is why it makes it a key choice for any modern construction project.


The first bet has already been determined. Anosis has gained the trust of the sector, with the network of customers and partners constantly expanding. The objective is to continue the growth path uninterrupted and place itself among the leading players in the sector.


In a constantly evolving world, the conditions and demands of the construction industry are no exception. They are constantly changing. Anosis drives innovation, listens and adapts itself through innovation in order to lay the foundation for future solutions of our future needs.
At the core of its operation are elements such as sustainability, sustainable development and environmental friendliness. Constantly focused on the specific requirements of the modern engineer, always remaining up to date with all the innovations in the sector, the company envisions becoming synonymous with reliability and technical excellence.

Guaranteed construction services